Mr. Trickett alias... The Shy Spy
Reclusive and uncommunicative, this enigmatic character keeps himself to himself. He is reputed to be a spy but this is based entirely on rumour. Apparently someone saw him in a local greasy spoon… reading a newspaper with cut out eye holes… but nobody can be sure. Regardless of his occupation or his quiet demeanour, one thing can be agreed on by all the rumour-mongers in his locality… in the words of the chief gossip-spreader “He wears nice clothes thought doesn’t he?” And she’s right. He does.
- Our Legacy Great Sweat (Purple)
- Barbour Summer Bicycle Jacket (Stone)
- Polo Ralph Lauren Custom Fit BD Shirt (Chambray)
- Fracap Monkey Boot (Beige)
- Our Legacy Classic Chino (Blueberry)