Mr Trickett as...The Jog-raphy Student
A heady cocktail of geography and keep-fit are what makes this guy tick. Mixed in with a notorious but frustrating habit for indecision, he can’t decide whether to go jogging or on a geography field trip…hence the jog-raphy student. You see what we did there? This stuff doesn’t write itself you know. He’s dressed in a manner that suggests he’s off for a ramble, followed by a trip to a museum. His trainers are in his bag though, can’t be getting shoes as nice as those Desert Khans dirty.
- Folk Classic Short (Sand)
- Fred Perry Laurel Wreath Made In England Polo (Chocolate)
- Fjällräven Greenland Jacket (Kanel)
- Mikkel Rude Slim Fit Cardigan (Chestnut)
- Mont Bell French Guide Pack (Pine Green)