Folk's Fantabulous Factory
Clothing factories can be pretty boring places — a load of looms and sewing machines in an out-of-town business district is hardly the most exotic of scenes. Folk’s factory is different though — a cross between the hidden missile depot of a James Bond baddy and Maude Lebowski’s studio, it’s a free-thinking place that makes most workplaces look like a prison camp. Too tired to walk to the stockroom? Just jump on the monorail. Bored of canteen food? At the Folk factory you’re treated to a meal of rainbow drops and cream soda. The only clause is you’ve got to wear uniform, but when it’s this good you’ll wish every day was a work day.
- Folk Cave Jacket (Block Printed)
- Lacoste Pique Polo (Muflier)
- Yuketen Maine Guide Moc (Pearla / White Camp Sole)
- HD by AT Model 2277 (3.8mm Neutral Leather)
- Lee Daren (Epic Blue)