Flapjack Man
We can’t say for certain, and this might just be wild speculation… but this man looks like the kind of man who’d walk into a service station, browse the snack selection and then purchase a really nutritional and oh-so-wholesome flapjack instead of something like a Snickers or a large tin of treacle and a block of butter. Yep, as they say in the service station snack retail world — he’s one of those ‘flapjack men’.
He’s also got his hair tied back. Again, this might just be wild speculation, but that’s presumably so he doesn’t get it trapped in his paragliding apparatus whilst he’s flying over countries you’ve never heard of to deliver humanitarian aid… and flapjacks.
The hungry man is 5'10" and wears...
- A Kind of Guise Tesver Jacket
(Light Grey)
Size M - Good Measure M-11 Heavyweight Football T-Shirt
Size M - Sassafras Tree Chopper Shorts
(Navy Weeds Poplin)
Size M - Fake Step Socks
(Grey) - New Balance M997GY2 Made In USA
Size 8 - C6 Shopper Tote