Did diarrhoea kill the dinosaurs? Just how do those Peruvians freebase? And when can we get our hands on a real bionic lover? Only one magazine has the answers — Omni. Founded by a stripper/magazine editor called Kathy Keeton (the wife of the man behind Penthouse, no less), Omni was a heady brew of science, fiction and science fiction that featured everything from short stories by William Burroughs to articles about supernatural dentistry.
Anyway, enough of the rambling — here are some classy covers scanned in from the Oi Polloi library (note the way that if you turn your monitor 90 degrees, OMNI actually reads 0321, I’m not too sure why, but it does).
And if you’re curious about what lies beneath these fine covers, the entire Omni archive is now available in web-form by clicking here.