Oi Polloi

Top Ten Things of 2014

Published: Tue Dec 16 2014

The end is nigh — the 365 days known collectively as 2014 will soon be a distant memory as we strive forth into the unknown. But before the book closes on this eventful chapter, we thought we’d present you with a list of things that we thought were alright in 2014.

10 – Rubber Jackets
Anyone who’s been trawling the Atlantic for cod will know that it’s been a big year for rubber jackets. This year has been a bad one for rain, so big, rubbery rain-blockers from the likes of Stutterheim, Rains and Grundens have seen a lot of action around these parts.

9 – Barleycorn
In at nine we’ve got Barleycorn shoes. We sold these a while ago and it’s been an honour, a pleasure and a treat to have them back in the building. Trivia-fans will be interested to hear that a barleycorn is in fact an ancient unit of measurement that’s still used in the UK to measure shoe sizes. Fascinating.

8 – White Jeans
How about those white jeans eh? Just like normal jeans except you can’t play football in them — brilliant.

7 – White Pumps
On the subject of white goods, it’s also been a banner year for white footwear. Again, these aren’t ideal for anyone thinking of partaking in any sort of outdoor activities… but who actually does any outdoor activities these days anyway?

6 – Sweatpants
Sweatshirts have long been seen as the ‘gateway drug’ for sweat-wear, and in 2014 the doors were finally thrown wide open to all sorts of sweat-based possibilities. Can you believe we now live in a society in which it is perfectly acceptable to wear sweatpants whilst going out for a fancy meal?

5 – Fjällräven
Whilst fads and fashions will wash away like tears in the rain, Fjällräven will always reign supreme. We’ve sold this stuff for years and unless the unthinkable happens and the world’s supply of G-1000 fabric finally runs out, we’ll sell it for many years to come.

4 – Arpenteur
At four we’ve got a new entry in the shape of Arpenteur. More French than Serge Gainsbourg necking a six pack of Petits Filous, these sharp shirts and fancy smocks have been turning heads and breaking necks ever since they landed here early this year.
Honourable mentions in the swanky work-wear department go to Sassafras and OrSlow.

3 – Clarks Wallabee Ridges
It seems like ages ago that we released our Clarks Wallabee Ridges, but it wasn’t. In fact it was only months ago. Isn’t time strange?

2 – Cord Stuff
Corduroy shoes… corduroy hats… corduroy shower curtains… many years from now alien archaeologists seeking knowledge on the human race will remember 2014 as a high point in the Cord Age.

1 – adidas Ardwicks
Alright, it’s big-headed to put our own trainers at the top slot, but it’s not every day we get to grace the hallowed pages of the Manchester Evening News. Not since the Bay City Rollers hit town back in the 1970s have we seen such a display of fanaticism. Anyone who braved the cold to get a pair of these — we salute your madness!