We may only be a few weeks past the summer solstice, but autumnal garb is already starting to show up. To keep you in the loop, here’s a few bits we’ll be getting in the next month.
First up, German style harbingers A Kind Of Guise have just delivered a pretty hefty stack of new wares.
As well as some flannel shirts and some really classy cord gear (maybe not ideal for the humid July weather, but it should all come in handy when the mercury drops), we’ve got some exclusive duffel coats on the way.
Imagine Holden Caulfield feeding the ducks in Platt Fields Park and you’re on the right track.
We’re also working round the clock to get a whole load of new Levi’s and Levi’s Vintage Clothing stuff on the site.
By now you probably know the score here – ultra-classic, ultra-American – if Norman Rockwell made clothes.
And finally… the mythical white Finn Comfort is here. We haven’t had these for years, so seeing them back on the shelves in all their perforated, orthopaedic glory is a beautiful sight akin to seeing a polar bear return to its family after a long trudge across the tundra.
Never forget that the world is sometimes a beautiful place.