It’s not a competition – but if we had to rate each month from best to worse, May would probably be near the top. There’s a bank holiday weekend to start things off, the weather is generally pretty decent and the lighter nights mean you don’t have to spend your evenings holed up inside playing tiddlywinks and backgammon.
There’s usually a few interesting clothing-based bits rocking up too. Here’s what we’ve got on the way this May…
First up, we’ve got some pretty out there outdoor garb from And Wander. This stuff is fairly hard to describe, as there’s next to nothing out there to compare it to, but trust us – it’s good.
Highly-detailed… nifty technical fabrics… lots of reflective silver bits… it’s hiking gear for the brave new world, and we’re big fans.
On the other end of the spectrum, there’s these shirts from Tender. Investigating the methods of the past to make fancy gear for the present is the name of the game here – and these beauties are a true lesson in humbling craftsmanship and inventive dye-based jiggery-pokery.
Give us a C! Give us a P! Give us some fancy jackets with a little window on the sleeve that reminds us a bit of those weird round windows that submarines have! Give us a vanilla slice and a can of Tizer as well whilst you’re at it will you?
And then there’s some highly useful hip-pack type things from a new one to Oi Polloi called F/CE. More fluro-mesh action here than a mid-90s Marin County mountain bike meet-up. Oakley Blades sold separately…