The 13th issue of our long-running Pica~Post fanzine has landed. This one has a definite sporting slant, and features…
- OP main-man Nigel’s run-down of classic sports shops
- A look at cinematic tracksuits courtesy of resident film-obsessive Harry Longstaff
- A chat with A Kind of Guise top dog Yasar Ceviker
- Some classy photos of people playing darts and pool courtesy of Adam Hindmarch
- A headfirst swan-dive into the Stockport wrestling scene by Sam Waller
- A comic from David Bailey (who also did that wondrous front cover)
- And a few other bits
And or those who prefer pixels to paper, here's the online version...
We've also done some tees to go with it which came out rather nicely. Take a look here.