‘New Stuff’ lurkers will have noticed we’ve got some velvet and moleskin shackets in that we’ve made in cahoots with Universal Works to celebrate ten years since we first stocked them.
A lot has changed in the past ten years, but our reverence for Nottingham’s finest has never wavered.
They're available to buy online and from our Manchester shop on Tuesday the 12th of November at 10:00am.
Until then, here’s what main-man Steve had to say about the whole affair…
“We’ve collaborated with Universal Works in the past, but after ten years of alliance, we thought we’d pull all the stops out.
To honour a decade of mutual respect and adoration, we chose one of our favourite garms, the Uniform Shirt, to work on.
This shape is a personal favourite of mine – it’s kind-of a classic striped-back trucker shape that’s super adaptable: it can be worn as a jacket or a mid-layer when it’s really chilly out.
This shape is a personal favourite of mine – it’s kind-of a classic striped-back trucker shape that’s super adaptable: it can be worn as a jacket or a mid-layer when it’s really chilly out.
Admittedly, I’ve got a bit thing for velvet, but I also know it takes a certain type of man to pull it off, so we decided to throw in some moleskin for good measure, as they’re a part of the same family. It just felt right, because, in our heads, working with Uni Works kind-of feels like family… what better way to celebrate ten years than to use moleskin and velvet?
The fabrics we’ve used are super-good winter classics, sourced from Brisbane Moss… we all flipped when the photography samples landed. Oi Polloi doesn’t mess about, and neither does Universal Works.
Oi Polloi doesn’t mess about, and neither does Universal Works.
It was massively humbling to be asked to work with people we’ve admired for so long to salute this momentous milestone.
Here’s to the next ten years!”
Available from Tuesday 12th November at 10:00 (GMT)